Before Care
Remove all makeup from eye area including eyelash strips/tabs, mascara, eyeliner
Cleanse your lashes thoroughly removing all oils, dirt particles and mascara
Remove contacts before your appointment
After Care
Do not allow lashes to get wet within the first 24 - 48 hours of application; this is to allow the glue to properly dry
Avoid hot steam rooms, sauna rooms and tanning salons for the first 48 hours after your application as the contact of the heat and moisture may weaken the lash extensions
Gently wash lashes (do not brush lashes while wet), Do not pick or pull them, Refrain from excessive rubbing
By not properly washing your lashes, natural oils and sweat build up may cause synthetic lash to slip off
Use of eye makeup removers containing P.E.G. (polyethylene glycol), propylene glycol, or any other glycol-based ingredients will result in failure of lashes to bond, Water based eye makeup remover is suggested
Avoid mascara. Repeated use of even water soluble mascara may shorten the life of the lashes
Mechanical or Heated eyelash curlers are not recommended on synthetic lash extensions
Use eye creams sparingly and avoid lash/lid area. Careless use of eye creams and moisturizers can result in a shorter life span for Lashes
Touch Ups are recommended every 2 to 4 weeks
The importance of cleaning and proper hygiene can not be stressed enough. Lack of proper cleansing can lead to infection and irritation.The life cycle of an eyelash is 45 to 60 days. Lashes will shed naturally at the end of their life cycle and refills/re-lashes will be necessary every 2 to 4 weeks to replenish these lashes.
Before Care
Cleanliness. Shower and lightly exfoliate your entire bikini area right before your appointment using warm, not hot water. Make sure you're extra clean.
Don't use any lotions or oils in bikini area.
Hair for now. You need some hair growth for the wax to hold onto, but not too long which can make the waxing hurt more than it needs to. Let the technician trim hair down to just the right length at your appointment.
Pain preventers. Take a pain killer, like Tylenol 30- 45 minutes before your appointment if you're worried about pain. (Aspirin and Ibuprofen may not be the best choices as they both are known to thin blood.)
After Care
Watch your fashion choices. Don't wear tight pants or panties for the next few days.
Hands off. Keep hands away from touching freshly waxed skin, as this can encourage irritation or small pimples
Opt for a shower. Don't take a hot bath for the rest of the day.
Too hot. No tanning beds, saunas or steam rooms for the next two days.
Short-term abstinence. Sexual activity should be avoided for at least 24 - 48 hours.
Exfoliate. Two full days later, if there isn't any redness use "THE EXFOILIATE" sold @ ilash studio for $8. This helps prevent ingrown hair. My pick, an Ayate washcloth, gently exfoliates skin and can be used with your favorite body wash, but is more mold-resistant than loofah.
Fight the bumps. You should wax regularly every 3-4 weeks. To prevent ingrown, bumps and break outs. If you get any ingrown hairs try Tend Skin, a huge favorite for getting rid of pesky ingrowns
How to Treat Ingrown Hair…
Apply a dab of acne medication. Ingrown hairs are pretty similar to pimples, especially when the ingrown hair is accompanied by pus. Apply benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid several times a day for a few days. This, combined with daily exfoliation, is often enough to remove the ingrown hair, since swelling will be reduced, giving the hair more room to grow out (rather than in). If you don't have acne medication on hand, you can try using the aspirin method or adding a dab of toothpaste.
Use a sterile needle, tweezers or a rotable medical device for ingrown hairs to gently tease the hair out of the skin. Use the warm compress first––this should bring the hair to the surface––don't dig for the hair if you can't easily get at it. Don't pluck the hair out completely if you can avoid doing so; just make sure that the ingrown end is out of the skin. It may take a little time to coax the hair out, so persevere and do not cut the skin. Sometimes you'll see a loop of the hair close to the surface of the skin. This means that the tip of the hair has begun growing down into the skin.
If you get a needle in the loop and tug lightly, the end will often come loose. If you choose to use tweezers, remember that tweezers can be bought either pointy or flat-tipped. A pointy-tipped pair may cause less damage to the skin around the hair if used carefully. Another choice might be to use a rotable medical device for ingrown hairs, which does not damage the follicle or the surrounding skin.